Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Other Blogs To Follow:

First, the blog on Punishment vs Rehabilitaion (at is an essential element to the war on drugs. The author argues that much effort is being put into inprisoning individuals rather than institutionalizing them for treatment, and because of this people released most often return to their crime filled lifestyles. If this attitude towards drug offenders changes and people recieve education and treatment before imprisonment (depending on the case) than we will be able to make a lot more progress. So check out this blog to read about what is going on in our country today regarding punishment vs rehabilitation.
Another very enlightening blog is regarding Immigration and its impact on the United States. Immigration plays a large role in the War on Drugs as well. Many immigrants, such as Latin Americans, are blamed for our drug problems. Although a lot of drug trafficing goes on between the United States and many bordering latino countries, the problem is due to the United States high demand for such illegal products.
Lastly, the education of our youth is essential to maintain a life outside of crime. Many youths who grow up enveloped in a broken and crime filled home face no other choice but to follow in the footsteps. Generally these destructive families dont provide or have the money to send their youths to college. Therefore the blog dealing with the necessity for financial aid for those in need of education greatly ties to the War on Drugs and preventing it from spreading amoung youths. Visit this blog at

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