Monday, October 20, 2008

Abandon all hope??!

Currently millions of dollars of annual budgets are going towards The Drug War and the decrease in abundance of dealers and addicts. The ONCP reports that the economic cost of drug abuse has risen to $ 180.9 billion. However, the issue is still remaining unresolved.
Drugs not only pay a big toll on society and our environment (directly effecting the youth of today) but, obviously, also effects the abuser...
Possible Drug Related Health Problems:
1) damaged nasal septum from snorting
2) collapsed and clotted veins
3) kidney, liver, and lung failure
4) damage to brain
5) diseases such as AIDS/HIV (spread by infected needles)
Possible Social Effects:
1) stays away from home
2) stealing/crime
3) job loss
4) withdrawal from community
5) embarrassing behavior in public
6) deterioration of relationships
These effects can also effect the families of these drug abusers. For example, it is found that drug abusers put their need to obtain their drug of choice over the wellbeing and security of their own children. This environment that the youth of today is surrounded by furthers the problem...If they have never known anything else then how will they be able to turn away from this lifestyle. That is why education is essential, and why we must continue to fight against drug abuse.
If the problem remains unresolved drug dealers will continue to make money (therefore gaining power), lives will continue to be ruined, and crime will continue to increase.


Volt-Air said...

I agree with you that education is important, but your possible social effects seem a little strange to me. Is staying away from home a horrible thing? Should we look at a traveling salesmen who is always on the road to support is family in the same light as a drug addict? Embarrising behavior in public and withdrawal from community? It seems like you are painting a picture of a perfect American society that many healthy individuals have chosen not to abide by.

D.R. said...

Try to take the position of the family members of the drug addict. Regarding time away from home, this time could be on top of their job. Therefore the drug addict is spending even more time away from their family for drug related reasons. Secondly, when your loved one is constantly showing up to every event in your life under some influence you are forced to try to cover up for them all the time. Embarrassing behavior in public simply points out to everyone that the person isn't their self, and makes their addiction known. Withdrawal from the community is unhealthy for an individual. Social interaction is necessary, and reliance on drugs effects this necessity.

gigi said...

You brought up a great point that how drugs do not only affect the user, but also the loved ones of that drug abuser. I have seen this while watching shows like 'Intervention' on A&E. While watching the shows, you are able to witness first hand how the addiction of the loved one completely breaks apart the family. It is devastating to watch these innocent people go through so much pain. The sad part is that the addicts have no idea what pain they are causing there loved ones because the drugs mess with their systems so much. More needs to be done with the issue of drugs in America because families are broken apart and results can be fatal.

D.R. said...

Exactly! The addicts really don't realize how much they hurt their family and are truly not capable of fixing their problem on their own. Addiction is a disease that effects their mind...and those individuals need help to overcome their addiction and disease.